Rachel Harrison Rachel Harrison

On the other side of fear is love.

I used to believe the opposite of love was hate but, I found it was fear. Hate was never there in the reasons why I felt or had certain thoughts, if anything it was just a scapegoat not to face the real reasons, which was fear. I believe we like to use the word hate so we don’t have to look inside ourselves for the real meaning of our feelings. I stayed in a marriage for too long, not because of hate, but absolute fear of the unknown. I stayed in jobs, which I might not have loved, but hate didn’t keep me, fear did because I was too afraid to leap for what I truly wanted. I have said yes to many things that I wanted to say no, but fear of what others might think of me made me say yes. We all find it easier to say I hate this person or this job, or whatever the scenario may be, but truly if you thought about it, do you really hate? Or is it fear? When I left my marriage I had to let go of fear and that is when I found love, love for myself. When I quit the job that no longer aligned with my morals and values, that is when I found freedom and inner power. When I started saying no to the things not right for me, is when I found peace. Fear robs us of our time, our energy, and leaves us stuck in a place where we pretend to hate. Releasing fear from our life brings us on the path to love, not just for ourselves but for everyone around us. It seems this world has become a place of fear, dividing us and only we can turn that around. Each one of us has a choice in how we want to live our life, in fear or love. How do you chose? Me, always love. XO-Rach

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Rachel Harrison Rachel Harrison

What matters is Love.

“At the end of life, what really matters, is not what we bought but what we built, not what we got but what we shared, not our competence but our character, and not our success, but our significance. Live a life that matters. Live a life of love.” Author Unknown

This quote is powerful, thoughtful and one that makes you stop and think about your life. Each day we get a choice, we do have power in our thoughts, feelings and actions, it is what we decide that matters. I know our world seems to have gone crazy and there is so much more wrong than right, but I also know that light always shines in the darkness and the truth can never be hidden for long. So in this space, I chose to live life in love, it is the one thing I can control and bring peace to myself and to anyone I am with. Love is the highest vibration, you can see and feel love, so imagine if we all lived a life of love. Because in the end, that is all that will matter, nothing else. People will only remember you for the way you made them feel, not for anything else. XO-Rach

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Rachel Harrison Rachel Harrison

Love Through your actions and with your heart...

When you are able to live your life through your heart, that is where you find the magic of life. A place without attachments or judgements toward anyone or anything and in that place you will discover what love truly means. We have always been told to use our mind, but what about our heart? The truth is our heart holds more wisdom than our brain, more compassion, more kindness and most importantly love. Our heart is always speaking to us, giving us information, but many times we push it away, because we have been taught to listen to our mind. Living from your heart can be hard at first, because it challenges you to become real, to be authentic and to feel a way you may never have before. It can make some people uncomfortable and change your relationships, but the real beauty is it opens a whole new world. A world that is lighter, brighter and full of endless possibilities. Living life from your heart will bring you peace, allow you to be present and teach you what love is, which is everything. Love was never made to be difficult, but we were taught it in a way that made it difficult. We came here as love, to live and be love, not to be filled with hate, judgement and the belief that love has conditions. That is living from your mind, not your heart. Which one do you want to live in? XO-Rach

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Rachel Harrison Rachel Harrison

Love is ageless.

This pic is from her 101st Birthday

What I love about love is it carries no number, it is the essence of who we all are.

I have been blessed to know this special lady for almost two years, she inspires me in so many ways and gives me hope for the world. She has told me her life story and I what I have seen in each of them is her undeniable love for life, herself and her family. Love is the one thing that has stayed constant in her life and it is a true testament that love is the link to living a life filled with joy and gratitude. I want to share one story that is my absolute favorite, for many reasons, one I am a sucker for a love story, but even more than that, how two people remained committed, grew, and supported each other in 74 years of marriage before her husband passed away at 95 years old. She also made me believe in the saying “When you know, you know”.

She was 12 years old when they first met, he was 14 and he knew when he saw her she was the one. They dated for a year and she said he never touched her once or even tried, a true gentleman. A year later they arrived at school for a concert and they were running late, so he said we need to run, he grabbed her hand and she said I lit up like a Christmas tree, my whole body was energized. She knew right then and there, this was something magical, that this boy was meant to be in her life forever and he was and still is.

They had 74 years of marriage together, plus the years before of dating, they had two children and traveled many places together. They were simple, but they loved each and every moment that they shared. Before he passed away, he told her that he didn’t want her to be sad, he said we had a great life together and I want you to be happy and to remember all of our times together. She said when she kissed him for the last time, there was still that energy between them, that her whole body lit up. In less than two months this amazing lady will turn 102!! It is not her age that makes her amazing, it is the way she has loved and chosen to live her life in love. Love is ageless and timeless, it never ends and that is the greatest gift she has taught me.


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Rachel Harrison Rachel Harrison

Love the dance.

The thing about love is you really have no control over it, no matter how much you believe you do.  Love is in each cell of our body, it is what we are made of.  We take heartbreak personally and want to blame the other person for not loving us.  What we need to see is that no other person can love us in a way that we want or think we should be, that love has to come from ourselves, we must love who we are 100% before we can be allowed to receive love from any other person.  Sometimes things do not work out, but I believe that is the Universe redirecting us, showing us in signs or ways that there is something better, someone who is our other part.  We are programmed to believe so many untruths, where we live in this fairy tale state, only to be let down when we do not receive our happy ending.  If you ever quieted your mind, sat and listened to your heart and became awake to the signs that are given to each of us, you would then know.  You would find the answers you seek as they are in each one of us.  The people who are meant to stay, we teach them and they teach us, we heal them and they heal us.  It is like a dance, flowing with each step and sometimes when the dance is done, some go, because we learned all we could and that is when the  time comes for new dance to enter our lives.  Some dances come in and leave again, because we haven’t learned all that we were meant to, those are sometimes the most challenging dances to understand.  They are the ones that can deeply move us, question ourselves, wonder if we are worthy of ever understanding the steps.  I believe those dances are the most loving, even if they challenge us to the core, that is what they are meant to do.  Life is a dance, we are meant to flow, to learn, to heal, to fall down, and to get back up.  Whatever is meant to be for us, will be, we have no control over that and the sooner we surrender to this dance, the easier it is to flow.  The toughest part is to just Love Through all our dances, to be present in them, to honor them, to cherish them and to absolutely love them.   XO-Rach

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Rachel Harrison Rachel Harrison

What is FLOW?

FLOW is a way of living and being in each moment of our lives. I like to think of it as an ocean, with the waves coming and going naturally, no forcing, just trusting in each motion and knowing we are meant to be right here, right now. Life can bring many unexpected blessings, as well as challenges, both are equally important to embrace. It is in the challenging times of our lives when we can learn the most about ourselves and others. This is when we can choose compassion, love and kindness and ultimately turn a negative into a beautiful positive. I learned along time ago, the more I let go of expectations and outcomes, the more present I became in each moment I had. This allowed myself to flourish, to love, to open myself within, which grounded me into the now, and changed my life in the most amazing ways. To be able to sit with all our feelings, the good and not so good, brings us awareness of what we need to let go of and what we need to heal. Flowing in life brings peace and calm, which in return allows us to be kinder, more loving and to change this chaotic world one breath at a time. How do you FLOW in life? XO-Rach

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Rachel Harrison Rachel Harrison

Introduction and Welcome!

Welcome to Loving Through!!! I am incredibly happy to be here and to share my gifts of coaching and meditation with all who want to receive. This blog is a way for me to share what I have learned and to give wisdom on how I have chosen to Love Through my life in numerous ways and circumstances. When I reflect back to the last few years of my life, my head spins with all that has transpired. I have taken each step with much gratitude and love, no matter how difficult the journey has been, I am blessed for this life I am living. Loving Through is being able to love each step of our lives, the good and the not so good moments that each one brings. Remaining present during each moment brings us clarity and the freedom in choosing how we want to move forward in our lives. I learned long ago that love is who we all our and love is who I am and how I chose to show up each day of my life. I would love for you to sign up with your email, as I will be sending monthly newsletters of what is coming up and topics that I hope will inspire you! Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my site today and if you are interested in coaching or meditation, please send me a message! XO-Rach

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