Love Is Your Super Power.
Love is our one true Super Power. It is always there in every aspect of our lives, but we often can’t or don’t want to see it. I used to equate my love for myself to how my day was going, week, or even moment by moment. If all were “good,” I would love myself and my life. If I were struggling, well, then I would “hate” myself and feel that was my whole life, struggle after struggle. Our mindset allows us to believe anything and everything, but our heart will always show us the way and the truth.
If I told you all the struggles this lifetime has given me, you may wonder why I am the way I am. How I still show up each day being the best I can. How I have chosen to LOVE all my moments and can look back upon my past with nothing but love. This did not happen overnight; it is still a work in progress, but it is the best thing I have ever done for myself.
Each one of us is born as love. Tiny babies with souls that came here for a specific reason and gifts created for us to share with the world. I know we all are brought into different realities, homes, and families, all unique to each of us—some of us were not given the best hand to start, and others were. But, what we all share is a love inside of us, wanting to get out and share our superpowers with the world. I was stuck in a world of victimhood, where I questioned my existence daily. I knew I could not and did not want to live however many days I had on this earth feeling and living this way.
I decided my mind was not helping me. It would only return to those “comfortable” feelings, fear, struggle, and feeling unloveable. But once I decided to listen to my heart, things started to shift inside me. I saw beauty in people and places that I once saw anger and sadness. I had good feelings instead of negative ones. I always knew how to love others, but I learned that when we love ourselves, the power of love takes over, when we wake up with a mind of positives and believe that no matter the issues that may come up during our days, we can lean on the love inside and around us.
Love gets a bad rap. You are weak for being a loving person. You live in another land, not the “real” world. I used to believe that a long time ago, but love is the most powerful force and will lead you to a whole other way of being.
Struggling still happens in my life, but it is how I choose to go about it. I don’t allow the fear or feeling of what is happening to define who I am or what I am capable of doing. After all, love always wins! XO-Rach